Norfolk Metals is a uranium and gold focussed explorer with assets located in South Australia and Tasmania respectively.
About Norfolk Metals
The Orroroo Uranium Project comprises three granted exploration licenses, EL6552, EL6814 and EL6948, which together cover 723km2, located approximately 274km northwest of the capital city of Adelaide, South Australia within the Walloway Basin, which is an elongate Tertiary Basin approximately 50km long and up to 15km wide. It consists of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments unconformably underlain by Adelaidian basement.
The Roger River Project comprises two granted exploration licenses, EL20/2020, and EL17/2021, which together cover 261km2, located 410km northwest of the capital city of Hobart, Tasmania. The Project is prospective for gold and copper as indicated by the intense silicification, argillisation and diatreme breccias in close proximity to the Roger River Fault along with carbonate-rich host rocks.